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lundi 18 juillet 2016

Is Stranger Things Coming Back From Season 2? Here's What We Know


Those who have already zipped through Stranger Things may be wondering if Netflix will bring it back for a second season. As of right now, Netflix has not officially picked up the series for another season, but maybe if we clamor loudly enough, that will change. In an interview with IGN, creator Matt Duffer (half of The Duffer Brothers mentioned in every opening credits sequence) gave a hint about what would come on a second season:

We wanted to do a couple things with this [first] season. We didn't want to do The Killing thing. We wanted it to resolve that main thing of Will going missing in the first season. So in that sense, it is like an eight-hour movie. Now, we don't answer all the questions by the end of the season - there are definitely some dangling threads. The hope is that it feels satisfying but that we left room and that if people respond to it we can go back into this world. But if we do get to go back, it's not a second season as much as a sequel.

A sequel, eh? Well let's all hope that gets greenlit soon!

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