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samedi 28 mai 2016

Half-Up, Half-Down Hair Tutorials For the Lazy-Chic Beauty Girl


Thanks in part to Ariana Grande's signature ponytail, half-up, half-down styles are making a major comeback after their renaissance in the late '90s. Though we'll always love the way Topanga and Lizzie McGuire rocked this look, today's versions are a little less scrunchie and a little more versatile. In addition to the classic high ponytail, modern styling has added buns and braids into the half-up, half-down mix.

Thankfully, this trend is hitting its peak just in time for Summer, when longer locks often present a challenge for finding looks that minimize the hair sweat (yes, that's a thing) . . . without minimizing the beauty. These styles make reliable go-tos, as they're appropriate for a variety of occasions. To get inspired for the many ways you can wear it, we've turned to YouTubers showing off every way to make this style chic and warm-weather ready.

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